Exploring resilience – the role of personality
Resilience matters. We all know that. Over the past few years, we’ve all had to learn to deal with change and uncertainty. Some more than others.
And in the new world of working, this doesn’t look like it’s letting up.
So the word resilience gets rolled out A LOT. Concepts like psychological safety and wellbeing come into play, along with growth mindset and grit.
But did you know your underlying personality and emotional intelligence also play a strong role in understanding yourself and your resilience.
Today, we wanted to share with you the TALY Resilience model and a few tips on managing your response during tough times.
The TALY Personality Profiling brings together…
• scientifically-backed personality profiling
• tailored to the needs of your business, culture and the role
• delivered through customised, locally-built AI tools to ensure accuracy
Get in touch to find out more about how you can use TALY profiling to give you the insights you need to build great teams - from recruitment onwards! Or Book a Demo today to see how easy it is to start using TALY in your business.
What is resilience?
As with all things TALY, a key thing to keep in mind is that we’re not saying some people are resilient and some aren’t. We’re not talking about benchmarking you or getting you to change who you really are (or to pretend to be someone you’re not).
What we’re talking about is leveraging your understanding of your personality to know how you’re likely to respond during challenging times – and to use this knowledge to help you through.
Resilience in the workplace starts with understanding the traits and abilities that define how individuals respond to stress, challenges, and adversity.
It’s not just about survival – it’s about one’s capacity to adapt, bounce back, and thrive in the face of (many) uncertainties.
Understanding and cultivating resilience is not just a professional advantage; it's a fundamental aspect of building and nurturing robust, high-performing teams built of strong individuals.
The Four Dimensions of Resilience
At TALY, we explore resilience through four distinct dimensions, each offering unique insights into an individual's style in navigating stress and adversity.
Step 1: Comprehension
How quickly do you read and understand when things are going awry – and how do you manage your emotions positively in these moments.
Step 2: Response
How do you control your emotional response, and maintain a level-head to be able to deal with the situation at hand.
Step 3: Navigation
What is your approach to problem-solving and decision-making under stress? How do you appropriately apply emotions for optimal results and explore your flexibility, creativity, self-confidence and understanding of emotional information?
Step 4: Focus
How do you maintain focus on the end outcome during challenging times, and preserve the optimism and belief necessary to overcome adversity? This is also related to your trust in a support network and capacity to remain focused on end goals.
By understanding your own personality and how it plays out across each of these four dimensions, you can quickly start to
Identify where your strengths lie.
Understand where you may need support or where it may be more challenging.
Understand how your approach aligns with others in your team, and how you can support each other.
Practical Strategies for Building Workplace Resilience
Resilience is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour.
At TALY, we celebrate the diversity of traits and responses individuals bring to the workplace – your personality is what it is, so it’s all about understanding and being the best you.
Remember, resilience is not a thing you have or don’t – it’s a process. It’s about working through the challenge from the start and maintaining the focus on where you want to get to.
And as with everything, aligning your approach to resilience with your personality will naturally feel better than trying to be something you are not.
In resilience, self-awareness acts as your guiding star. Once you understand the four dimensions and your own personality, you can reflect on your unique style, the foundations shaping your responses to challenges.
Think through examples of where your strengths have supported you and where other areas have been more of a challenge.
Skill-building: Crafting Resilience Foundations
Identify areas for improvement and engage in targeted exercises tailored to your traits. Build a level-headed approach under stress, honing skills that fortify your resilience foundation. Each skill enhanced is a step closer to staying composed amid challenges.
Problem-solving and Decision-making: Agile Navigation
Resilience thrives on agility in problem-solving. Elevate your flexibility, bring in creativity, and strengthen self-confidence. Utilise emotional intelligence for well-informed decisions, rooted in understanding your emotions and those of others.
Focus and Optimism: Sustaining Positivity
Believe in positive outcomes, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Strengthen support networks, maintaining focus on overarching goals. In this fusion of focus and optimism, resilience takes root and flourishes, paving the way for success.
At the end of the day, by focusing on self-awareness and understanding, you can play to your strengths and build habits or support for your gaps. By doing this, you move from feeling the impact of change, to taking action and moving through it.
Connect with us to explore how understanding the dynamics of resilience can elevate your team's capacity to thrive amidst challenges, fostering a workplace culture where individuals not only adapt but thrive in the face of uncertainties.
The TALY approach to personality profiling brings together a unique mix of Five Factor and Emotional Intelligence profiling to help organisations, hiring managers and teams to make better decisions about recruitment and teams.
Get in touch to find out more… we love talking about this stuff! Or Book a Demo today to see how easy it is to start using TALY in your business.