How TALY’s Personality Profiles help you nail the onboarding experience
Why does a great onboarding experience matter?
The Onboarding experience is an opportunity for leaders and employers to to build excitement, engagement, team alignment, cultural norms and ways of working – and ultimately an environment of shared understanding and purpose.
For the candidate, coming into a new role with excitement around what this next step in their career may bring, this is a high-stakes moment.
Day 1 is when an employee is most engaged.
But from Day 1, the truth is most companies, their leaders or their rigid processes do a really good job at chipping away at this engagement.
To prove the point, check out this research from Zippia…
It costs a little over $1,500 to onboard a new hire, on average
Organisations with strong onboarding processes increase new hire retention by 82% and improve the productivity by 70%.
88% of employees believe that their company doesn’t do a great job when it comes to onboarding new employees.
58% of organisations have onboarding programs that primarily involves processes and paperwork.
Employees who attend a structured orientation program are 69% more likely to remain at the company for at least three years.
The average new hire is assigned 41 administrative tasks to complete.
17% of employees leave their new job between the first week and the third month of a new job.
I’m sure this resonates with many of you. Remember back to some of your first days or weeks at a new business. Some do a great job at onboarding. But the reality for a lot of leaders is that they are juggling many things, have to fit in with over-complicated processes and just don’t have the tools or knowledge at their fingertips to make it better.
How can personality profiling play a role in onboarding?
Ultimately, personality profiling is just about empathy and understanding. It’s about seeing a person, understanding how they behave or how they see the world, and trying to shape outcomes that align to these traits.
Because there is a proven link between aligning personality with role and management styles and outcomes, engagement and happiness.
Here are a couple of examples of why it matters…
Most onboarding experiences involve meeting a lot of people, maybe a big team lunch on your first day. If you’re an introvert, this could be terrifying – you end up exhausted and your engagement is impacted.
If you’re a highly structured person, you want clarity in your first day around how things work, how you start to align to these processes, where you fit in.
If you’re a highly neurotic person, too much information or pressure on Day 1 can have a real impact. Here your leader may need to step things out in chunks for you.
And there are so many more examples. But for some reason, every company has a one-size-fits-all approach to onboarding – or no systemised approach to onboarding.
When the TALY Personality Profiling is brought into the mix, some of the outcomes might include…
Reorganising the onboarding experience in a way that aligns to the new employees personality. You don’t need to change the process, but maybe you split the big team lunch into a couple of smaller lunches with different people over the first month to align better to the introvert.
Understanding the team dynamics between the new employee and the existing team member – where might there be tension, and how can you build understanding around this from Day 1 so the tension doesn’t arise in the first place?
Understanding the difference between your personality and the new employees – how can you build an open, mutually-aligned way of working that respects differences in your personality. Diversity can lead to a 30% lift in productivity – if managed properly.
Build in small moments that really show the new team member they are seen and understood and that this job is going to work for them.
Ultimately we want new team members to go home each night feeling aligned, understood, energised and excited… and ultimately confident they have made the right decision.
If you want to find out more about TALY’s Personality Insights and the NEW ONBOARDING TOOL, get in touch today and be sure to follow TALY Australia on LinkedIn.
The TALY approach to personality profiling brings together a unique mix of Five Factor and Emotional Intelligence profiling to help organisations, hiring managers and teams to make better decisions about recruitment and teams.
Get in touch to find out more… we love talking about this stuff! Or Book a Demo today to see how easy it is to start using TALY in your business.