Using personality profiling to drive engagement in the first 6 months.

Personality profiling is proven to drive stronger outcomes for individuals, teams and employers.

At TALY, our mission is to help more businesses get access to the valuable insights from personality profiling – and to use these insights to make great people decisions.

The secret to getting great insights from personality profiling is to not just use the tools in recruitment or in team sessions – but instead to use the insights in as many moments as possible across the employee lifecycle!

It make sense right? Personality profiling helps us understand each other – and the more we understand each other in different situations at work, the stronger our relationships will be.

This month, we’re focusing on the MOST IMPORTANT time in any employee relationship – the first 6 months. Last week we laid the groundwork for why this time matters.

This week, we’re going to get into to the detail – how you can use personality profiling across the first 6 months to build great connections with new team members.

Get in touch to find out more about how you can use TALY profiling to give you the insights you need to build great teams - from recruitment onwards! Or Book a Demo today to see how easy it is to start using TALY in your business.

 How does personality profiling play a role?

Your personality is the engine behind a lot of your behaviour. While there are many facets to all of us, your underlying personality plays a role in driving your behaviour, in how you connect with others, in how you respond in situations and so much more.

So, in each of the moments when a new leader is connecting with a new employee, our personalities are there with us, shaping the interaction.

Remember, it’s a two-way street. Your personality skews how you see the world and how you respond in different situations - the same way it does for your team members.

Think about this. If you’re a highly structured and goal driven individual, you naturally feel that structure and driving for goals is important. That’s obvious right?

When you connect with other people, this is the energy you bring, and it’s also the way you like to lead. During the interview process or onboarding, you’ll focus on the details, the goals, the practicalities. You’ll shape you’re feedback and coaching around this too.

But if the person you are connecting with is not driven by the same things, they won’t be as focused as you are on the same elements, and may even tune out or disconnect if this is all they hear from you.

By understanding your personality and their personality, you can learn how to shape each moment in a way that will resonate with your audience – while importantly also respecting what matters to you.

It’s all about communicating and meeting in the middle!

How to use personality profiling in the first 6 months?

When we talk about the first 6 months, we focus on 4 key moments. These are some of the critical interactions between an employee and their new leader, and are part of everyone’s experience.


Personality plays an important role during the recruitment process. By understanding someone’s underlying personality and how this aligns to a role, we can make the best decisions about finding great candidates.

But the human interaction also starts at this time! It’s a time for the manager to see and understand the human sitting across from them in the interview. It’s a time to start building those interpersonal connections that will help the candidate feel like this is the job for them, this is the culture for them and that they will be seen and understood in the role.


Once you’ve made the decision to hire someone, the focus on their personality should not stop there.

Often businesses have a one-size-fits-all approach to onboarding - but by showing new employees that leaders will put the effort in to shape the new role to suit their needs can make a big difference.

Imagine you’re a highly creative and imaginative individual, but your first four weeks in a new role is all about process, systems, detail, and you’re in the weeds. You don’t get any time to think about the strategy or creativity. Sure you can do it, but you lose interest pretty quickly, and you start questioning if you’ve made the right decision.

A few little changes in the process for that new person - for example, connecting with the Head of Strategy or Innovation to talk about the future vision over a coffee - would make a huge difference and help them feel like they are going to be able to contribute.


As with the interview process, every conversation between a leader, and a team member is full of bias. As mentioned, your personality drives a lot of your behaviour and how you see the world. If a leader understands the personality and what this means for their team members, and delivers feedback in a way that makes sense to their personality, you’re just gonna get a better outcome.

Think about that same highly creative and future focused individual – if they’re leader shares feedback in the context of how they can make a bigger impact on the future goals and direction for the business, the team member will feel engaged and excited, and will know what to do in a way that really matters to them.

That’s engagement.

Ongoing coaching

And it probably goes without saying – these personality insights can play a role in shaping all ongoing coaching and feedback for the team member. Training to round out gaps in their personality. Building connections with others that bring a different perspective. Guiding and directing in a way that makes sense to them.

At TALY, we’ve built intelligent, AI-driven insights inside our personality profiling that give leaders the insight they need at each of these moments to drive great people outcomes. It’s powerful!

Time to get started…

If you’re not using any independent data or resources to guide your connections with your team, all you have is your bias and previous experience.

The best way to start making great decisions about team members that will really connect is to just get started in one area. You don’t need to do everything at once or over complicate it – each interaction is an opportunity to see and understand your team better, so just pick one moment, understanding the role of personality, and get moving.

Focusing on onboarding can be a great first step! For your next new starter, just think “how can I shape the onboarding experience in a way that will resonate with this person’s personality”.

And of course, if you want to get started, the easiest place is with TALY – because we do all that hard work for you!

The TALY approach to personality profiling brings together a unique mix of Five Factor and Emotional Intelligence profiling to help organisations, hiring managers and teams to make better decisions about recruitment and teams.

Get in touch to find out more… we love talking about this stuff! Or Book a Demo today to see how easy it is to start using TALY in your business.



Leveraging personality profiling insights to drive engagement in onboarding!


Why the first 6 months matter for new team members.